Office of student affairs
Office of student affairs
The office of student affairs can help you with administrative questions about the following courses:
- Seminar Zelluläre Physiologie, (2.Semester Medizin)
- Seminar Neurophysioloige, (4.Semester Medizin)
- Praktikum Neurophysiologie, (4.Semester Medizin, 5.Semester Zahnmedizin, 4.Semester BSc. Molekulare Medizin)
- Wahlfach Vorklinik: “Cognitive Neurowissenschaften”
- Praktikum Physiologie für Pharmazeuten
- Wahlfach Physiologie für Psychologen
Please contact us via EMail and make sure to always include:
- All first names and last name
- Date of birth
- Matriculation number